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How To Choose the Best Passages For Close Reading

close reading passages

So you’re ready to teach close reading, and you’re even ready to use close reading symbols, but where are you going to find the right passages for close reading? They’re not always readily available. And how do you know if you have the best text passages? I’m going to show you what I did to judge if my close reading passages were right for my first graders.

The first thing I did was ignore our textbook’s “close reading” booklet. They came with our reading adoption one year, but they just weren’t going to work. Some were too short, some were too long. Plus, they came together in a large bound book, making it difficult for my students to find the right page. Those were a no-go for me.

So how do you know if a reading passage is going to be effective for close reading? Let me show you what you should be looking for. 

Choose Longer Passages For Close Reading

close reading passages

The first thing is the length of a passage. Think Goldilocks. You want a “just right” passage. Not too short, not too long. Something along the lines of a decodable reader would be impossible to teach close reading effectively because your students will rush through and be done. But a chapter book-sized text would lead to frustration and fatigue. 

Think about the range of 3 paragraphs with 2 sentences each, up to 4 paragraphs with 3 sentences. Ideally, you’ll need enough room for new concepts where you can spend several days on the same text. Wonder how that works? I’ll show you how in this blog series! Look below for all the links to the articles on close reading. 

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Close Reading Text Levels

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If you’re looking for the difficulty of the text passage, you’ll need something slightly above your student’s instructional level. And before you panic, remember that you’re leading them through these close reading lessons. You’re not expecting independent reading for your passages for close reading. That’s for your whole group or guided reading lessons.

The text is meant to be longer and a bit more difficult so your students will learn to work with harder passages with confidence. They also need to see new words and phrases that they’ve not heard before. If they are only reading words they already know, they’re not going to be challenged to build up their reading skills. 

Text Needs Robust Vocabulary

close reading passages

That leads me to the third part of choosing passages for close reading – find text with robust vocabulary and phrases. Part of teaching close reading is identifying keywords that lead to more understanding and meaning within the text. Vocabulary is vital to close reading, and it’s nice to think about the fact that you’ll be teaching it along the way. How many times do you wish you could add more vocabulary instruction into your schedule?

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Video Description

Have you struggled teaching close reading with your beginning readers? These strategies are not one-size-fits-all, and if you teach lower elementary students, it’s hard to adjust the steps for a close read lesson so your younger kiddos understand the  concepts.

In this video, you’ll learn how to use close read symbols effectively. There are three tips to help your students understand what annotation symbols are and how they should be used. These tips will prevent random squiggles and doodles all over your reading passages. (Which is what happened in my classroom before I figured all of this out.)

@teachingthefirsties Looking for the best reading passages for close reading? Look for length, level, and vocabulary! #closeread #closereading #closereadingisimportant #closereadingtext ♬ Inspiring and Motivational - Ben Dransfield

This FREE guide will teach you the close reading strategies that will make a close read lesson successful.

As an elementary teacher, it’s hard to adapt close reading successfully for younger readers. I didn’t have a manual when I began, but I wish I had an easier start. So I wanted to give teachers like you a head start when you’re teaching close reading to beginning readers.

With this free guide, you’ll know what to do to keep your kiddos engaged all week.

You will learn what supplies and materials you need for a successful close reading lesson. You’ll learn what to do on each day during your week of close reading. This was another struggle for me.
I read through the text passage with my students, NOW WHAT? 

You’ll have vocabulary ideas to boost your students’ mastery of words and phrases, imagine how great it would be to have time for vocabulary instruction! I’ll show you how it works!

Comprehension is hard for younger readers. They learn to decode words and now they have to understand what everything together means too?

With how much we have to teach in a week, the idea of “Fun Fridays” went out the window years ago. At least it did for me. I didn’t have time to do the fun crafts and activities that first-graders love and frankly deserve to do! I always thought this was so sad, and I wanted to bring it back somehow. So I devoted the last day of close reading to a fun extension activity about the topic of our close reading passage. I’ll show you how to find time for a fun activity, where your students are still learning in the FREE guide for close reading!

I also added the best classroom management tips I used during our close reading week, so you can actually teach your students, rather than correcting unwanted behavior or trying to keep your kiddos attention.

And best of all? I’ve added two close reading passages WITH lesson plans to get you started.

close reading large cover 1

How Do I Get The Close Reading Guide?

When you download the FREE Guide For Teaching Close Reading To Younger Readers, you’ll learn:

  • How to teach your students to annotate.
  • Which supplies you need and which ones you don’t!
  • What you need to know about the best reading passages for close reading.
  • What to teach on each day of a close reading week.
  • How to improve your student’s vocabulary with close reading.
  • Techniques to improve your student’s reading comprehension skills.
  • Extension activities that take the topic of your close reading passage further.
  • Classroom management during close reading, including partner activities and effective transitions.

You’ll also get two close reading text passages with TWO WEEKS of lesson plans! 

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